The Truth About Running Your AC Fan Constantly Does Not Save Money

Common Air Conditioning Myths Explained

As a trusted HVAC service provider since 1953, Wighton’s has heard countless myths about home comfort systems. One persistent misconception we frequently encounter is that running your air conditioner’s fan continuously will save money and energy. Let’s examine why this widely-held belief is actually incorrect.

Understanding Your AC Fan Setting

Your thermostat typically has two fan settings:
– “Auto” – fan runs only when heating/cooling is active
– “On” – fan runs continuously

Many homeowners believe that keeping the fan running constantly will:
– Maintain more even temperatures
– Improve air filtration
– Reduce system wear and tear

The Reality of Continuous Fan Operation

Through our 68+ years of heating and cooling experience, we’ve found that running your fan continuously actually:

1. Increases energy consumption and utility bills
2. Can raise indoor humidity levels
3. Results in more frequent filter replacements
4. Creates additional wear on fan motors

What We Recommend

At Wighton’s, we advise our San Luis Obispo County customers to:
– Use the “Auto” setting as your default
– Change filters regularly
– Schedule routine maintenance
– Consider a programmable thermostat

This approach provides optimal comfort while maximizing energy efficiency and system longevity. Remember, every home is unique, and our experienced technicians can help determine the best settings for your specific situation.

Trust the team that’s been serving the Central Coast since 1953 to help you make informed decisions about your home comfort systems. Contact Wighton’s today for expert advice and professional service you can count on.